
BREWERY / Yoshinotomo Shuzo Co., Ltd.

Kisaki 28 Junmai Daiginjo 720mL
Junmai Daiginjo Sweet-Light
Family owned Yamada nishiki rice polished to 28%. A junmai daiginjo with a refreshing taste and a fragrance that evokes a uniquely Japanese sense of refinement and elegance.
Sake Meter Value: -3 Alcohol:15% Acidity:1.6
Yoshinotomo Shuzo Co., Ltd. , Toyama , Toyama

Kisaki 50 Junmai Daiginjo 720mL
Junmai Daiginjo Dry-Rich
Home-grown Yamada nishiki rice polished to 50%.A clean and crisp aftertaste.Junmai daiginjo that suppresses the aroma and brings out the taste of the ingredients of the dish.
Yoshinotomo Shuzo Co., Ltd. , Toyama , Toyama